
15 Years of Ragtag - judged by its cover?

Old photo - new Roger

First performance - "Blue Skies" in 1962

Roger and Jean Shepherd - 1969 at FDU

New banjo - old music - 1973 (photo - Jeffrey Strassman)

Clifford "Doc" Williams and Roger jam - 1973 (photo - Jeffrey Strassman)

Interview on the Joe Franklin Show - 1973 (photo - Tom Sullivan)

"Putting on the Style" The Joe Franklin Show - 1973 (photo - Tom Sullivan)

Back Stage at the PFF with David Gahr (photo - Bob Yahn)

Humor Workshop with John Gorka, PFF - 2003 (photo - Bob Yahn)

The Folk Music Chronicles (drawing - Murray Postell)

John Gorka and author - shocking! (photo - Cheryl Wheeler)